Our team at MDH Evolution are known to exceed expectations for Green Building Credential Trainings and are renowned for our abilities to Teach and Train the Trainers (and Experts)! Our MDH Evolution Training Professionals have ongoing global influence in a multitude of professions in addition to exemplary levels of experience within very diverse organizational typologies.
Co-Founder Daniel Huard, LEED Fellow ‘The Godfather of Sustainability’ has, for decades, been a sought‐after Green Building Expert. Our MDH Evolution Training offerings parallel the MDH Evolution’s Consulting Skillset we bring to our Clientele.

We have provided decades of training to literally thousands of other professionals. The offerings shared herein include current high demand Green Building and Credential and Credential Training topics for LEED, WELL, NetZero Energy, Net-Zero Carbon, Living Building Challenge, Federal Guiding Principles Compliance, Green Globes, Net Positive Energy & Water, Energy Star, and Green Star Communities are just the start.
The list goes on yet we have been active in training for all of these and hundreds more trainings we continue to facilitate
LEED Green Associate
A vast majority of Nevada’s LEED Green Associates acknowledge that LEED Fellow Daniel Huard is the reason they were successful in their gaining their credential. Our MDH Evolution team continues to provide Training programs for individuals as well as for organizations. Our Co-Founder was integral in the transition to recognize LEED AP Specialty Credentials and as a member of USGBC Nevada volunteered to initiate specialty credential training. As soon as criteria was established for the LEED Green Associate, Huard developed and facilitated these trainings
for several entities globally.
Huard went on to establish additional trainings and developed the structure for study groups for the LEED AP Credentials as well.
LEED AP Building Design & Construction (BD+C)
MDH Evolution brings our LEED BD+C expertise and training abilities for your personal and organization’s benefit.
We are very versed in LEED Building Design and Construction as evidenced by our acknowledged contributing authorship of the last three versions of the LEED Rating Systems.
Our Co-Founder was integral in the transition to recognize LEED AP Specialty Credentials and as a member of USGBC Nevada volunteered to initiate specialty credential training. Huard developed and has facilitated these trainings with several entities globally.
LEED AP Operations & Maintenance (O+M)
MDH Evolution brings our LEED O+M expertise and training abilities for your personal and organization’s benefit.
We are very versed in LEED Building Design and Construction as evidenced by our acknowledged contributing authorship of the last three versions of the LEED Rating Systems.
Our Co-Founder was integral in the transition to recognize LEED AP Specialty Credentials and as a member of USGBC Nevada volunteered to initiate specialty credential training. Huard developed and has facilitated these trainings with several entities globally.
WELL Credential, Application and Integration
Our team includes a WELL Faculty professional, we have been providing training on WELL since its initial outreach launch in 2014 as one of the planet’s first WELL Accredited Professionals.
When you consider who to engage for Wellness Considerations and IWBI WELL strategies, training, implementation and certifications consider as well that one of our founders is an acknowledged contributing author of the ‘WELL Health-Safety Rating’.
Huard was invited by the International WELL Building Institute to join the international team of renowned building experts who developed globally applicable best practices for implementation in response to pandemic concerns in 2020.
From initiating the basic Wellness considerations to implementing those initiatives and elements into everyday activities including your development of Operations and Maintenance programs MDH Evolution is your proven source for training and consultation … More
NetZero Energy & Net Zero Carbon +
Select your training priority…. NetZero Energy, NetZero Water, NetZero Waste, Net Zero Carbon
we have for decades and continue to develop and facilitate trainings on all of these
priorities to Engineering, Architecture, Project Management and Sustainability professionals as a start.
Other organizations in the last five years have engaged our team, desirous of these trainings to expanding their applicable knowledge on ESG for building credible foundations for their Governance as well.
The list expands to include: Energy & Resource Audits to inform Operational Optimizations for transitioning to NetZero Goal Attainment. Huard was at Greenbuild 2011 in Toronto, Canada for the launch of the NetZero Energy Building Certification International Living Future Institute standard … More
Climate & Resiliency Response
More than 20 years of contributory education experience with entities like US Green Building Council, ILFI, IWBI and others, has seen our MDH Evolution team members help with the attainment of long term goals for Governmental, Development Standards and Green Building Organizations.
Our commitment to further education for these and other entities has seen resultant positive impacts to Climate Change. Our engagement in educating within the Pacific Rim assisted with establishing operational and organizational parameters for Carbon Positive Banking.
Pick the topic, the MDH Evolution Training team including The Godfather of Sustainability are your Restorative – Regenerative Development education experts. Our expertize has seen contributions on several continents as well as for the benefit of Small Island States … More
Living Building Challenge Training
Huard, one of the planet’s first International Living Future Institute Ambassadors, and as well Living Future Accredited professionals obviously initially provided ILFI training programs. Huard’s educational abilities saw him as an early global educator sharing the ‘Introduction to the Living Building Challenge’ in China, India, the Pacific Rim, South America, Central America, North America and in Africa as well. In 2011 Huard was on hand for the launch of ILFI’s NetZero Energy Building Certification in Toronto, Canada.
Huard was so effective in ILFI Advocacy efforts that he founded the Las Vegas Valley LBC Collaborative with trainings completed for thousands. Living Future training offerings include:
Living Building Challenge Program and Certification
Core Green Building Certification
Zero Energy Certification
Declare Material Transparency
Living Product Challenge
Just Organizational Transparency
Zero Carbon Certification
… More
Materials & Product Transparency
Circular Economy, Product Certification, Social Equity, as well as Manufacturer Advisory are in our wheelhouse.
One of our founders has been key in the development of globally recognized material transparency standards and developed the program for global recognition, expansion and alignment of that certification organization.
In addition we have long term experience in the contribution to the Health Product Declaration Collaborative for specific task groups as well as the HPDC Technical Committee. … More
Federal Guiding Principles Compliance Mentorship
With our vast experience in very impactful projects we also continue to be active in providing opportunities to individuals and organizations to engage in emergent leadership and development mentorship programs in the fields that we excel in! Living Building Challenge, Federal Guiding Principles Compliance, Green Globes, Net Positive Energy & Water, Energy Star, and Green Star Communities … Learn More
Why MDH Evolution?
Humann Building Solutions was formed in 1998 to address the specific needs of several clients who were seeking to work with Building Professionals who would be their advocates and project managers to ensure that their needs were addressed. From those humble beginnings as Engineering and Management Professionals Humann continued to grow and expand into new and aligned fields.
With the formation of MDH Evolution we provide continuation with the ongoing Lifelong Learning Culture of our early days. Our evolution also requires us to segregate our business lines from each other to meet needs of our Clients and to as well clearly delineate the work we are credentialed in and capable to complete at the highest levels of competence and credibility.
The Verticals within MDH Evolution are Unique yet they all are interrelated and accordingly our Senior Staff includes Professionals that have Credentials, Credibility and Work Experience Globally in fields such as Engineering, Management, Leadership, Organizational Governance, Construction Project Management, Owner’s Representation, Materials Science, Building Enclosure Commissioning, Building Fundamental and Enhanced Commissioning, Building Sciences, Architecture, Urban Planning, Building ASHRAE and Multi-Attribute Assessments.
Beyond possessing literally a dozen professional accreditations our staff continues to contribute globally to the development of Green Building Rating System Standards, Global Building and Energy Codes, Building Quality Validation Standards Development, Scientific Standards Development, Product Certification Program Development, Energy Efficiency Legislation Development and have contributed to so many industry firsts in so many markets.
Our Professional Expertise has contributed to numerous domestic and international High-Performance Building, Sustainable and Restorative Development projects as well as international events including Greenbuild, COP28, The Energy Expo, WaterBuild, Living Future unConference, WaterSmart Innovations, Advanced Energy Conference, Energy Management Congress, CAPAC, MiaGreen and Global Gaming Expo to name a few.
Next Steps…
Please give MDH Evolution Training the opportunity to work with you and you will find why we have so many satisfied and return clients. Select one of the above Links to see why we continue to be on the list of leading organizations of people to collaborate with. Developing and implementing integrative solutions is at the heart of what we do.