Happy Birthday National Park Service 2024

Please join our MDH Evolution team in following an annual tradition of recognition which connects us to the planet! Similar to previous years the end of August has a busy time, with MDH cofounder Daniel A. Huard, LEED Fellow, the Godfather of Sustainability just returning from providing a Keynote Masterclass Workshop at the Energy Expo 2024 in Miami. An annual tradition for our team is to ask those reading to please take a moment to acknowledge as well The U.S. National Park Service celebrates its birthday on August 25th annually NPS.gov Homepage (U.S. National Park Service) <<here is a hyperlink to the Park Service where copious information related is shared within this post is from their website.

MDH Evolution President Marlyn C. Huard shares “We live in Nevada less than 4 hours away from more National landmark locations than any other metropolitan center in America. Our family enjoys the outdoors and get our National Park Passes annually so that we have as much access as possible to these amazing places”. The connection is a furtherance of growing up surrounded by nature and biophilia in the Philippines Ontario where daily, we optimized opportunities to align with nature, indigenous peoples and learn many lessons along the way.


MDH cofounder Daniel Huard further shares “Although I grew up in Canada as The Great White North’s first Native American LEED Fellow I have always had a deep connection to the recognition of Native lands”.  Huard even served LINNA as an Ambassador advocating for Indigenous Peoples recognition for their part as the original stewards of our lands and how they played and continue to play a vital role in conserving our environment, ecology and natural landscapes”.

The National Park Service started in 1916 as President Woodrow Wilson the same president memorialized at the Historic National Mint signed the Organic Act which established the National Park Service. The Natural Park Service currently protects approximately 400 unique areas across the United States totaling over 84 million acres! The Department of the Interior and most specifically the National Park Service team work hard to conserve, preserve and protect the scenic trails, open spaces, watersheds, and recreational areas within our national land, forests, coastal regions, wildlife refuges, and historic sites for us to continue to enjoy and experience.

Again, Happy Birthday National Park Service Learn how you can get involved at https://www.nps.gov/index.htm

Content and consideration for information shared on Wikipedia.com and www.nps.gov

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