Green Building Consulting
Hoover Dam Spillway House Events Center
How do you get Seven different Governmental regulatory bodies to concur on something. First you retain Daniel A. Huard as one of your team of experts. Huard worked hand in hand with the US Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation to see a national eyesore become the Hoover Dam Spillway House Events Center. Huard a Subject Matter Expert for the DOI since 2009 worked to gain consensus using an collaborative integrated process to see this project built. The project currently sitting at 67 points on the LEED 2009 Rating System Scale is poised to be another Platinum Project that Huard brought to realization. The project is Net Zero Water, employs Solar Thermal Energy to heat all of its domestic hot water and is the basis for a Solar PV microgrid that sees the building be Net Positive Energy producing 128% of its annual energy consumption in its first year of operation.
Renewable Energy Micro-grid
LEED Platinum Lower Colorado Regional Office Green Building
What happens when you get Nevada’s most accomplished LEED Professional on your team as your expert you get a LEED Platinum Building when your goal was GOLD and you as well get a central plant strategy that saves you 68 Million Gallons of Water per year while concurrently adds a Micro-Grid that powers an office for 200 people that is Net Positive as well. Huard leveraged his knowledge and experience creating some of the most energy and resource effective buildings on the planet to assist in leading this project to be a first for the Department of Interior as well as the Bureau of Reclamation. The project reclaimed a former dumpsite to use as the location for the Solar PV renewable field that generates more than sufficient energy to power all of one and parts of three other buildings on the Campus.
Our Portfolio includes a great variety of project types, locations and services all contributing to making significant positive Impact on the planet!
Copyright ©2020 D.A. Huard, Copyright ©2020 Humann Building Solutions, LLC.